Health,  Science

Happier without the sour bungle

Do you belong to that part of frequent Facebook-users starting to feel a bit nauseated – or just plainly annoyed – by the growing amount of cackle and bungle in that forum? And do you overall believe that the foundation for creating peace and a better world for all is our mutual ability and obligation to talk to each other respectfully and take joy in other people’s happiness and luck? Well, here’s an option to consider!

happier.comIn February 2013 Russian-born Nataly Kogan and a small team located in Boston, USA, launched the mobile app ‘Happier‘. With no small amount of scientific studies to support them, Nataly and the team firmly believe that though life may throw several miserable days at you during a lifetime, you can always do a thing or two to make these days feel less intolerable or even make the number of crappy days fewer.

Basically the thing to do is to try to find three positive things that have made you happy today – every day. It’s no easy task at first, I know. Sometimes there may be only one thing – some days perhaps none. That in fact is of lesser importance. The lesson here is to start focusing on positive things. And sharing happy moments in a Social Media forum makes sure that if YOU don’t have a happy moment yourself ready to publish, you can always read, like and comment on other people’s happy moments. And trust me – some of the things you’ll see and hear in happier will make you smile.

You may think this is just a good load of waffle. But from personal experience working with work-related stress, I know this line of thinking supports modern cognitive psychotherapy. It is all about changing the thought patterns you unknowingly repeat day after day. Patterns that cause you make the same mistakes again and again. This “exercise” has been used by both businessmen and professional athletes alike for half a century and is exactly what the people behind ‘Happier’ wants to promote. The more time you focus on happy thoughts, the more happy you’ll get.

Enough said from here. I was introduced a couple of months ago by my better half… I haven’t been much part of the Facebook-bungle since.

If in doubt, go to and learn more about the background of this no-short-of-fantastic initiative, find links to more science and research on ‘happiness’ or just download the app right away (AppStore).

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